
Q: How to place an order?

A: To place an order, click here. Do note that there is a lead time of 2 days. Orders received after 3pm will be considered received the next day. If you need it now, you can see what's available today. We are also able to arrange for expedited same day delivery if you require.

Q: Are all the available flavours tiramisu?

A: All the flavours we offer are tiramisu. The Tiramisu Hero prides itself as a tiramsu specialty store and we are constantly innovating new flavours to cater to everyone. Our best seller, Original flavour, is now known as Irish Coffee. The difference is that we have opted for premium whisky to compliment our rich espresso tiramisu for the extra kick!

Q: Are there children-friendly flavours?

A: Yes we do have children friendly flavours. In fact, Cookies and Cream has been a hot favourite for kids. Some of our tiramisu flavours also have the option of customising it to be non-alcoholic. Speak to us and we are sure we can cater something for you!

Q. What sizes are available?

All our flavours come in the following sizes - MommaHero, NonnaHero, 6"Hero, 7"Hero and 9"Hero. For more information, check out our size guide.

Q. How long does it keep?

Our tiramisu keeps for up to 5 days in the chiller and up to 2 weeks in the freezer. However we would recommend that you enjoy it as soon as possible for maximum freshness. Please ensure to keep it out of direct heat and sunlight.

Q. What are the delivery charges?

Local delivery charges are $10 per location and $15 for expedited / same-day delivery. Deliveries to Sentosa / Tuas are at $25 per location. For orders $100 and higher, deliveries are complimentary.

Q. How to customise an order?

For special orders, please WhatsApp us at +65 881 55577 and we would gladly assist you.

Q. Can I make an order for today?

For urgent orders, you may browse what is available here. It is limited to what is in stock today and we will not be able to customise it. However we can add message tags to your order. Local pick up or expedited delivery can be arranged. Do note that expedited delivery charges are at $15 per location.